Sustaining healthy behaviour

Due to the rise and reimbursement of the Combined Lifestyle Intervention (CLI), more and more people work on a healthier lifestyle. In this process, they are supported by skilled lifestyle professionals. However, support in maintaining this new behaviour is insufficient yet highly wanted.


Our goal is to support people who participated in a Combined Lifestyle Intervention (CLI), in maintaining their healthier lifestyles. The means to achieve this is the further development of the digital platform


We hope this project will result in an updated platform eCoachGids, based on new insights about wants, needs, and suitable behaviour change methods for the maintenance phase of the CLI.


01 October 2023 - 30 September 2026


We establish a cohort of CLI-participants to monitor their health status and identify their (and their lifestyle professionals’) needs regarding support of sustained behaviour change. We link these insights to theory about behaviour maintenance. We identify suitable tools that either already exist or need to be developed, and with these we update the eCoachGids.

HU researchers involved in the research

"After two years, I feel lighter, healthier, and happier. But I’m a bit afraid of the long term future, how can I keep feeling like this? I, and not I alone, could use some support at that! "

Norbert Essink, former CLI-participant and member of the project’s advisory group.

Collaboration with knowledge partners

Please click hereexternal link and scroll down to see all URL's to the partners on this project: 

- Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Lectoraten Oefentherapie en Gewichtsmanagement); 

- Hogeschool InHolland (Lectoraat Kracht van Sport en Bewegen); 

- Haagse Hogeschool (Lectoraat Gezonde leefstijl in een stimulerende omgeving); 

- Voedingscentrum; Kenniscentrum Sport en Bewegen;

- Formupgrade (X-Fittt);

- Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie (KNGF);

- Nederlandse Vereniging voor Diëtisten (NVD);

- Vereniging van Oefentherapeuten Cesar en Mensendieck (VvOCM); Leefstijllab;

- Bureau Objectief;

- Diëtistenpraktijk Groningen;

- LeV met Daan;

- De Vitaliteitspraktijk;

- Met SUSAN;

- Mijn Leefstijl op Recept;

- Vita Nova Leefstijlcoaching;

- Sportservice de Vallei.

Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Amber Ronteltap

Amber Ronteltap

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care