The value of vital tissue

In this project we will inform and involve the general public about biomedical research: in particular the (in)possibilities of the use of human tissue. Human residual tissue is left over from surgery and otherwise thrown away. In scientific research, increasingly human residual tissue is used instead of animal experiments. 


We want to make people aware of the value of this residual tissue and inform them that they can contribute to scientific research by donating residual tissue.


We want to reach people on the street as well as patients and invite them to talk to scientists and doctors during the science streams. Our communication tools will be exhibited in museum Corpus (Leiden).

The project has been extended until 2026; see the Dutch profject page for all updates.


01 April 2021 - 31 October 2026

Related news and events


We use contemporary digital communication, such as interactive billboards, augmented reality (AR), science streams, to reach the target groups. We start with the basics: making people aware of their own body and the different tissues in their body.

HU researchers involved in the research

  • Cyrille Krul
    Cyrille Krul
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
  • Petra Sneijder
    • Senior lecturer
    • Research group: Social Interaction in Public Spaces
  • Anne Kessels
    Anne Kessels
    • PhD candidate
    • Research group: Social Interaction in Public Spaces

Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Cyrille Krul

Cyrille Krul

  • Professor
  • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry