Blended Interventions to Change Behavior in Patients With Chronic Somatic Disorders: Systematic Review.

Authors Corelien Kloek, Daniël Bossen, Dinny H. de Bakker, Cindy Veenhof, Joost Dekker
Published in Journal of medical internet research
Publication date 2017
Research groups Innovation of Movement Care
Type Article


Blended behavior change interventions combine therapeutic guidance with online care. This new way of delivering health care is supposed to stimulate patients with chronic somatic disorders in taking an active role in their disease management. However, knowledge about the effectiveness of blended behavior change interventions and how they should be composed is scattered. This comprehensive systematic review aimed to provide an overview of characteristics and effectiveness of blended behavior change interventions for patients with chronic somatic disorders.

On this publication contributed

  • Corelien Kloek | Researcher | Research group Innovation of Movement Care
    Corelien Kloek
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care
  • Cindy Veenhof portret
    Cindy Veenhof
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care

Language English
Published in Journal of medical internet research
Year and volume 19 12
Key words e-health, chronisch zieken, gedrag

Corelien Kloek

Corelien Kloek | Researcher | Research group Innovation of Movement Care

Corelien Kloek

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care