Building and changing business models: a qualitative study among Dutch physiotherapy primary healthcare organisations.

Authors Rutger IJntema, Di-Janne Barten, Hans Duits, Brian Tjemkes, Cindy Veenhof
Published in Primary Health Care Research and Development
Publication date 2022
Type Article


To gain insights into what business model-building and model-changing aspects make physiotherapy primary healthcare organisations (PTPHOs) attain and sustain superior performance in a changing environment, according to their managers.

On this publication contributed

  • Rutger IJntema
    Rutger IJntema
    • PhD candidate
    • Research groups: Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation, Innovation of Movement Care
  • Portretfoto Di Janne Barten
    Di-Janne Barten
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care
  • Cindy Veenhof portret
    Cindy Veenhof
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care

Language English
Published in Primary Health Care Research and Development
Year and volume 2022 19
Key words fysiotherapie, Bedrijfsmodellen (Business models)
Digital Object Identifier 10.1017/S1463423621000840

Rutger IJntema

Rutger IJntema

Rutger IJntema

  • PhD candidate
  • Research groups: Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation, Innovation of Movement Care