Determining the Required Capacity of Business Information Management

Authors Frank van Outvorst, Mart Meijnen, Pascal Timens, Sjoerd Walenbergh, Benny de Waal
Publication date 20 June 2018
Research groups Process Innovation and Information Systems
Type Lecture


From the article: Many organizations are striving for a structural and professional approach toward business information management (BIM). With help of BiSL they can shape the BIM responsibilities and processes, but they struggle with the required capacity for the BIM activities necessary for their particular situation. Therefore, research was started to develop an instrument to determine the required capacity of the BIM activities in an organization. In this paper the construction of the instrument will be described. A limited set of factors may be of importance to identify the required capacity of BIM activities that is needed: complexity of business processes, complexity of IS/IT, dynamics of the organization and its environment and the size of the organization are examples of relevant factors. However, factors that appear relevant may prove useless in practice due to the fact that organizations have no data on these indicators available. Furthermore, the relationships between the present and desired quality of information and information services are part of the instrument. The instrument was tested in practice to determine the usefulness. The results show that the instrument has the potential to determine the required capacity of BIM.


On this publication contributed

  • Frank van Outvorst | Researcher | Process Innovation and Information Systems
    Frank van Outvorst
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems

Language English
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-961-286-170-4
Key words Business Information Management, IS/IT management, Business IT alignment, BiSL Framework, Required capacity

Frank van Outvorst

Frank van Outvorst | Researcher | Process Innovation and Information Systems

Frank van Outvorst

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems