Feasibility of a home-based exercise intervention with remote guidance for patients with stable grade II and III gliomas

Authors Karin Gehring, Corelien Kloek, Neil K. Aaronson, Kasper W. Janssen, Lee W. Jones, Margriet Sitskoorn, Martijn M. Stuiver
Published in Clinical Rehabilitation
Publication date 2018
Research groups Innovation of Movement Care
Type Article


In this pilot study, we investigated the feasibility of a home-based, remotely guided exercise intervention for patients with gliomas. The six-month intervention included three home-based exercise sessions per week at 60%–85% of maximum heart rate. Participants wore heart rate monitors connected to an online platform to record activities that were monitored weekly by the physiotherapist.

On this publication contributed

  • Corelien Kloek | Researcher | Research group Innovation of Movement Care
    Corelien Kloek
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care

Language English
Published in Clinical Rehabilitation
Year and volume 32 3
Key words glioma, hersentumor, bewegen, fysiotherapie
Page range 352-366

Innovation of Movement Care