Our experiences with experience-based co-design

Authors Danielle Vossebeld, Remko van der Lugt, Lotte van der Schoot
Published in C. Craig, & P. Chamberlain (Eds.). International Conference Design4Health2024: Equilibrium in a time of permacrisis, Conference Abstracts Volume 3
Publication date 2024
Research groups Co-design
Type Lecture


Emergency care (from ambulance to emergency room) is focused on somatic care: fixing the body. When a patient with mental dysregulation who experiences ‘disproportionate feelings like fear, anger, sadness or confusion, possibly with associated behaviours’ (Van de Glind et al. 2023) does not get appropriate attention, this can result in the disruption of treatment and even psychological trauma upon trauma. To improve the emergency care process, the authors of this paper - health researchers and design researchers engaged in a project based on the experience-based co-design (EBCD) approach (Donetto et al. 2015; Bate and Robert 2007). EBCD is a method used to design better experiences in healthcare settings, in cooperation with (former) patients and healthcare professionals. The process of EBCD involves partnerships between stakeholders and the discovery and sensemaking of experiences through specialized methods to gain an understanding of the interface between user and service, to design new experiences (Bate and Robert 2007, 31). There is, however, an interesting challenge in bringing patients and care professionals together. In emergency care, patients depend greatly on their healthcare providers. The patients in this study had existing mental vulnerabilities and may have been traumatized by previous visits. We needed to enable these stakeholders to be equal partners with ownership and power, one of the characteristics of co-design in EBCD (Donetto et al. 2015). In this paper, we describe how we adapted and applied the EBCD method, with a focus on creating equal partnerships. We also reflect on the extent of our success and the diBiculties we encountered in attaining this objective.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in C. Craig, & P. Chamberlain (Eds.). International Conference Design4Health2024: Equilibrium in a time of permacrisis, Conference Abstracts Volume 3
Key words experience-based co-design, EBCD, emergency care, partnership, method review
Page range 155-158

Danielle Vossebeld

Danielle Vossebeld | Researcher | Lectoraat Co-Design

Danielle Vossebeld

  • Researcher
  • Research groups: Co-design, Smart Systems for Healthy Living