Reframing Communication about Fall Prevention Programs to Increase Older Adults’ Intentions to Participate

Authors Meike van Scherpenseel, Lidia van Veenendaal, Saskia te Velde, Elise Volk, Di-Janne Barten, Cindy Veenhof, Mariëlle Emmelot-Vonk, Amber Ronteltap
Published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Publication date 2024
Research groups Proactive care for older people living at home, Innovation of Movement Care
Type Article


Introduction: Falls and fall-related injuries in community-dwelling older adults are a growing global health concern. Despite effective exercise-based fall prevention programs (FPPs), low enrollment rates persist due to negative connotations associated with falls and aging. This study aimed to investigate whether positive framing in communication leads to a higher intention to participate in an FPP among community-dwelling older adults. Methods: We conducted a twosequence randomized crossover study. We designed two flyers, a standard flyer containing standard terminology regarding FPPs for older adults, and a reframed flyer highlighting fitness and activity by reframing ‘fall prevention’ as an ‘exercise program’ and ‘old’ as ‘over 65 years’. With a Mann– Whitney U test, we investigated group differences regarding the intention to participate between the flyers. A sensitivity analysis and subgroup analyses were performed. We conducted qualitative thematic analysis on open-ended answers to gain a deeper understanding of participants’ intention to participate. Results: In total, we included 133 participants. Findings indicated a significantly higher intention to participate in the reframed flyer (median = 4; interquartile range = 1–6) compared to the standard flyer (median = 2; interquartile range = 1–4) (p = 0.038). Participants favored more general terms such as ‘over 65 years’ over ‘older adults’. Older adults who were female, not at high fall risk, perceived themselves as not at fall risk, and maintained a positive attitude to aging showed greater receptivity to positively-framed communications in the reframed flyer. Additionally, already being engaged in physical activities and a lack of practical information about the FPP appeared to discourage participation intentions. Discussion: The results in favor of the reframed flyer provide practical insights for designing and implementing effective (mass-)media campaigns on both (inter)national and local levels, as well as for interacting with this population on an individual basis. Aging-related terminology in promotional materials hinders engagement, underscoring the need for more positive messaging and leaving out terms such as ‘older’. Tailored positively framed messages and involving diverse older adults in message development are essential for promoting participation in FPPs across various population subgroups to promote participation in FPPs among community-dwelling older adults.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Key words reframing, communication, fall prevention program, community-dwelling older adults
Digital Object Identifier 10.3390/ijerph21060704

Meike van Scherpenseel

Meike van Scherpenseel

Meike van Scherpenseel

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care