Systematic review on the interaction between office light conditions and occupational health: Elucidating gaps and methodological issues

Authors Juliëtte van Duijnhoven, Mariëlle Aarts, Myriam Aries, Helianthe Kort
Published in Indoor and Built Environment
Publication date 2019
Research groups Technology for Healthcare Innovations
Type Article


Purpose:The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) recommends researchers to investigate a widevariety of behavioural and health outcomes. However, researchers often investigate only a part of occupationalhealth (OH) in relation to light. A literature study (2002–2017) regarding the relationship between office lightingconditions and OH was performed to identify gaps and methodological issues.Method:The OH outcomes investigated in this paper were grouped according to the International Classificationof Diseases and analysed per category: physical and physiological health, mental health, eye health, sleep param-eters and visual comfort.Results:Findings from the literature study (20 eligible papers) showed that all OH aspects were mostly but notexclusively measured subjectively. Furthermore, most studies investigated only a fraction of office lighting par-ameters and OH aspects.Conclusions:It seems that Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) and illuminance mainly correlate with OH.However, this may also be explained by gaps and methodological issues in studies described in eligible papers.Based on the literature study, an overview was composed elucidating gaps and methodological issues of officelighting and OH studies. It can be used to design and target the purpose of light and health research.

On this publication contributed

  • Helianthe Kort | Professor | Research group Technology for Healthcare Innovations
    Helianthe Kort
    • Professor
    • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations

Language English
Published in Indoor and Built Environment
Year and volume 28 2
Key words mental health, physical health, luminous exposure, daylight, sleepiness, office environment
Digital Object Identifier 10.1177/1420326X17735162
Page range 152-174

Technology for Healthcare Innovations