The Ethical Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Social Professionals

Authors Ed de Jonge, Nadja Jungmann, Mariël Kanne, Anne-Ruth van Leeuwen
Publication date 2021
Research groups Debt and Debt Collection
Type Report


One of the authors of this research report participated in an international survey which provided insight into the ethical challenges that social workers faced during the covid-19 pandemic. However, this study did not show the prevalence of the challenges described. Were they widespread, or was it more a matter of individual cases? We conducted an additional survey among Dutch social professionals to shed more light on this matter, seeking an answer to our main question: what is the nature and extent of the ethical burden on social professionals in the Netherlands during the first phase of the covid-19 pandemic?

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Language English
Key words covid-19 pandemic, ethical guideline, social professionals

Ed de Jonge

Ed de Jonge | Researcher | Innovative Social Services

Ed de Jonge

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Housing and Welfare