People who have debts are often embroiled in a complex situation. In order to really help them, specific knowledge and skills are a necessity. In the interest of further developing professional practice, the Research group Debt and Debt Collection conducts research in collaboration with debt counselling organisations and collection agencies.

Lines of research within the research group



The Research group Debt and Debt Collection strives to substantiate higher professional education in the field of debt in various ways. We contribute to the development of modules and lessons, provide training to lecturers and design teaching materials. We also work together with other universities of applied sciences.

Tamara Madern

“In recent years, there has been this idea that counsellors should be patient and wait things out. Fortunately, debt counselling is increasingly coming to the realisation that this does not work. One must begin by offering concrete assistance. Only then will people begin to take matters into their own hands.”

Tamara Madern at Professor of Debt and Debt Collection


The research group works closely with professional practice. For our research projects, we collaborate with, among others: Branchevereniging voor schuldhulpverlening en sociaal bankieren (The Association for debt counselling and social banking, NVVK), Royal Professional Organization of Judicial Officers in The Netherlandsexternal link (KBvG), Kennisplatform Utrecht Sociaalexternal link, Nationaal Instituut Budgetvoorlichting (The National Institute for Budget Information) (Nibud), Municipalities and municipal organisations such as Utrecht, Werk and Inkomen Lekstroom, Avres, Drechtsteden, Zwolle and Divosa.

Our professors and researchers

Nadja Jungmann

Professor Debt and Debt Collection Show profile
Picture of Tamara Madern

Tamara Madern

Professor Debt and Debt Collection Show profile
Gercoline van Beek | Researcher / PhD candidate | Working with Mandated Clients and Debt and Debt Collection

Gercoline van Beek

Researcher Debt and Debt Collection, Housing and Welfare, Working with Mandated Clients Show profile
Foto van Julia te Boekhorst

Julia te Boekhorst

Researcher Debt and Debt Collection Show profile

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