The role of primary healthcare in the management of work-related DED in the Netherlands

Authors Mirjam van Tilborg
Publication date 12 September 2017
Research groups Technology for Healthcare Innovations
Type Doctoral Thesis


Dry eye disease (DED), and especially work-related dry eye, has an increasing incidence, and is expected to become a significant public health problem, with the increasing age until retirement, and the effect of the modern, digital, working environment causing higher visual demands. The indoor environment and more demanding, eye-related tasks, are risks factors for the development of dry eye symptoms, leading to DED at these workplaces. The current management for diagnosed DED is strongly pharmaceutical-based, and research looking at solutions towards better functioning and well-being of DED patients is rare. There is also a lack of evidence about the role of healthcare professionals in DED management. This PhD looks at: the prevalence of DED in office workers; the environmental factors involved; the negative aspects on quality of life experience; the attitude of healthcare professionals to DED management; the care given by the primary healthcare professionals; and the needs for a healthcare pathway for DED.

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Language English
Key words droge ogen, arbeidsomstandigheden, gezondheidszorg

Mirjam van Tilborg

Mirjam van Tilborg | Researcher | Research group Technology for healthcare innovations

Mirjam van Tilborg

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations