Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology to Explore Predictors for the Use of Telehomecare by Care Professionals
Authors | Thijs van Houwelingen, Ansam Barakat, Angelo Antonietti, Helianthe Kort |
Published in | Assistive Technology Research Series |
Publication date | 2013 |
Type | Article |
An important goal for health care organizations is supporting older adults who age in place. Telehomecare (THC) technology can help to meet the growing demand for care. Despite the apparent positive effects of this technology, there are still barriers to THC adoption. This study investigates how the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) can be used to identify predictors for THC use by Dutch care professionals. Data were collected from 207 health professionals working in homecare in the Netherlands. Data were fit to the UTAUT model. The UTAUT was extended with three possible determinants for professionals' intention to use THC: concerns about privacy, costs expectancy and technology experience. We conclude that UTAUT can be used to explore predictors for care professionals. More research has to be done that can be used to develop transnational eHealth nursing education programs to make them more adequately prepared for a rapidly changing health care sector.