Barbera van der Meulen


Barbera van der Meulen has been a researcher at the Debt and Collection research group since 2017. She focuses on qualitative research around the themes of debt prevention, early detection, financial interventions, and financial education. In her work, she likes to connect with education and the (broad) professional practice. This also means that, in addition to her research, she works as a lecturer in the Social Legal Services program and is involved in learning communities.

Her career in the social domain began with her studies in Social Legal Services, where she completed internships at the Tax Authority, the Social Affairs department of the Municipality of Amersfoort, and Stimulansz. After earning her bachelor's degree in Social Legal Services, Barbera started working as a researcher at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and simultaneously pursued a master's degree in Social Policy and Public Health, which she successfully completed in 2020.

Fields of expertise

  • Debt prevention
  • Early detection of debt 
  • Financial education
