Emmy van de Burgt MSc (1958) works as researcher in the Research group Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology. In 2018, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) awarded her a Doctoral Grant for Teachers for her PhD research entitled ‘Jeuk-krabben-jeuk-… ; een vicieuze cyclus of is er een uitweg?’ (‘Itch-scratch-itch-… ; a vicious cycle or is there a way out?’).
Emmy is supported in this research by thesis supervisor Prof. M.M. Lorist and second supervisor J. Jolij PhD and E.P.M. Tjin PhD (senior hbo lecturer in the Skin Therapy degree programme). She also works as an hbo lecturer in the Skin Therapy bachelor’s degree programme and the Physician Assistant master’s degree programme. She lectures in Dermatology, Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Pharmacology/Pharmaceutical Therapy and Nutrition.
- 2018-present: Researcher in the Research group Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology
- 2015-present: Honours examiner, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
- 2005-present: Lecturer in Dermatology for the Physician Assistant master’s degree programme, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
- 2000-present: Hbo lecturer in the Skin Therapy bachelor’s degree programme, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
- 1997-2003: Hbo lecturer in the Nursing bachelor’s degree programme, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
- 1986-1997: Lecturer in medical subjects, Training Institute of Utrecht General Hospital (presently UMC Utrecht)
- 1984-1992: Variety of teaching positions
- 1977-1984: Medicine, Utrecht University
Fields of expertise
- Dermatology
- Pharmacology/Pharmaceutical Therapy
- Nutrition