Henk Roelfsema | Teacher-researcher | Participation, Care and Support

Henk Roelfsema


Henk has been working for Lectorate Participation, Care and Support since September 2020. Before that he worked for several other research groups, including research group Youth and Literacy. In addition to his work for the research group, he is also a lecturer at the Institute of Ecological Pedagogy.

He has worked as a teacher in special education and as an orthopedagoog and casemanager at the Stichting "Gewoon Anders", an experiment in Almere as a precursor to “suiting” and inclusive education.

In 2005 Henk became a Lecturer in Educational Sciences & Pedagogy in both the master and bachelor and curriculum developer in the field of care and planned action for Pabo Domstad and the Institute Theo Thijssen. He also worked for the Seminary for Orthopedagogics and Institute Archimedes. Since April 2014 he has been working on various research groups for various projects.


  • Mental health care
  • Care in education
  • Cooperation between education and youth care



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Henk Roelfsema | Teacher-researcher | Participation, Care and Support

Henk Roelfsema

  • Lecturer-researcher
  • Research group: Participation, Care and Support