Jantje Timmerman


Jantje Timmerman is affiliated as a researcher since March 2023 with the research group Multilingualism and Education. She is involved in various research projects on multilingualism in primary and vocational education.

Jantje obtained degrees in Linguistics and Educational Sciences. She has gained experience as a practice-based researcher and an educational advisor in primary and vocational education. She worked on research projects on integrated language curriculum and assessment in mathematics education. In vocational education she focuses on learning environments at the school-work boundary.

Besides her work at the research group Multilingualism and Education, Jantje works as a leading researcher at mboRijnland, a school for vocational education. In this role she is focused on practice-based research into the design and development of learning environments at the school-work boundary.


•    Reading comprehension
•    Practise-based research
•    Learning environments


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Jantje Timmerman

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Multilingualism and Education