Joep Binkhorst | Researcher | Participation Care and Support

Joep Binkhorst


Joep Binkhorst is a researcher for the Research group Participation, Care and Support (PZO) and the Research group Organising Decent Work of the Research Centre for Social Innovation. He is also affiliated with the Human Resource Management degree programme.

Central themes in his research are the improvement of (integrated) cooperation in the social domain between professionals, organisations, and cooperation with (local) government.

His research activities include: innovations in neighbourhood-oriented working, accessibility to jobs for those who are far removed from the labour market, developments in the field of social entrepreneurship and co-creation in the public domain. For the Human Resource Management degree programme, Joep is involved in the development and profile of the theme ‘inclusion & diversity’, as part of the HR field.

Fields of expertise

  • Labour participation of vulnerable people
  • Integrated work
  • Social entrepreneurship

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Joep Binkhorst | Researcher | Participation Care and Support

Joep Binkhorst

  • Researcher
  • Research groups: Decent Work, Participation, Care and Support