Liesbeth Haverkort | Researcher | Research group Innovations in Preventive Care

Liesbeth Haverkort


Since 2015, dr. Liesbeth Haverkort has been working as senior researcher at the research Group Innovations in Preventive Care. Her projects focus on nutrition and early diagnosis. Since September 2023, she serves as Associate Professor in Nutrition and chairs the Expertise Network Nutrition.

Her career started as a dietitian at Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, where she provided guidance to oncology patients with nutrition-related complaints following gastrointestinal surgeries. Completion of the Master Evidence-Based Practice in Health Care at the University of Amsterdam led to research projects, culminating in her dissertation 'The value of nutritional assessment in major abdominal surgery’.

"A healthy, well-balanced diet contributes to the optimal functioning of the human body and the preservation of health."

Liesbeth integrates nutrition themes into education and research, aiming to raise awareness among teachers and researchers about the role of nutrition in health, well-being, consumer behaviour, and sustainability. All of this with the ultimate goal of contributing to the reduction of health and well-being disparities and promoting a sustainable society.


  • Nutrition in health and disease
  • Healthy lifestyle, including nutrition
  • Nutritional status
  • Body composition



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Liesbeth Haverkort | Researcher | Research group Innovations in Preventive Care

Liesbeth Haverkort

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Innovations in Preventive Care