Margreeth has been a part-time researcher in the Research group Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation since September 2013. One day a week, she performs research into integrity issues encountered by auditors in their professional practice.
Margreeth is an external consultant/publicist, as well as a part-time lecturer on Ethics & Professional Skills. In addition, she regularly publishes articles and essays and writes a regular column for the professional quarterly Accountant. She is also a member of the editorial council of Commissie Eindtermen Accountancy (CEA) and of the Governance steering committee of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (NBA).
Margreeth is editor and author of the book Artikel 5, de beroepseer van de accountant (‘Article 5 – the professional ethics of the auditor’). This publication also presents the results of her research into the professional ethics of external auditors in the Netherlands.
"While the basics of professions and professionalism have long been established, it is crucial to revisit them regularly. In this important and timely work, Margreeth Kloppenburg, Thijs Jansen and their colleagues consider how the profession of accountancy can continue its critical work in a time of rapid change, powerful market forces, and often disruptive technological innovations"
In addition, she has written three other books, being:
- Hoera, een conflict! (‘Hurrah, a conflict!’) (SDU Academic Service, 2008, 3rd edition), about the benefits and necessity of conflicts within a team.
- Leve het Verschil! (‘Long live our differences!’) (SDU, Academic Service, 2009, 4th edition), about the practical implementation of the Belbin team roles.
- Eerlijk Scoren! (‘Scoring fair and square’) (Van Duuren Management 2010, 1st edition), about the tension between targets and integrity.
Fields of expertise
- Integrity
- Professionalism
- Persuasive writing and speaking