Milena Spaan is a researcher in the research group Curriculum Development in Primary and Secondary Education. She teaches Design & Technology in secondary teacher education. Her research focuses on the ways various teachers from various subject matter domains can contribute to the development of Digital Literacy.

Intro 2

Since 2021 Milena has been a teacher-trainer for Design & Technology. She teaches topics such as Media, Design and ICT, and Educational Website Design, and she is a coordinator of the minor program Innovative Learning with ICT and Games.
From 2016 to 2021 Milena Spaan was teaching programming for Software developers at MBO (post-secondary vocational education). For several years she worked in various web design agencies.


  • Teacher trainer Design & Technology
  • Programming and technology
  • Digital literacy (Media literacy, Computational thinking)

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Milena Spaan

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Research group Curriculum Development in Primary and Secondary Education