Ria is affiliated with the research group Multilingualism and Education and the research group Value-oriented Professionalisation. She does research on the responsive attitude of primary school teachers with regard to the home language and cultural backgrounds in their communication with parents.
Equal educational opportunities is an important motivation for Ria. This can be found in her book 'Samenleren op een superdiverse school', but also in her work as developer and teacher of the course ‘Begeleiden van nieuwkomers op school (Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek)’, the program ‘Sociale Integratie’ for (young) adult newcomers and the minor ‘Nieuwkomersonderwijs’ for teacher education. When it comes to her work, Ria always searches for new knowledge and relevant practical experiences to support teachers in their classroom.
Fields of expertise
- Educational Partnership
- Responsive attitude
- Multilingual context