Dr. Rob Zwitserlood is senior researcher within the research group Speech Therapy: Participation through Communication since 2017. Within the research group he is responsible for research on diagnostics and intervention for children with developmental language disorders.
Rob Zwitserlood has worked for many years in special education for children with developmental language disorder as a speech/language therapist, ambulant teacher, post-graduate teacher and a researcher. He has worked as a lecturer at Utrecht University and continues to give guest lectures at various European universities on developmental language disorder.
Fields of expertise
- Developmental language disorder
- Intervention development
- Effect studies
- Collaborative working with Parents of Children with DLD in Speech and Language Therapy Identifying Dutch Speech and Language Therapists’ barriers to enhancing practice
- Language Sample Analysis in Clinical Practice: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Barriers, Facilitators, and Needs
- To Game or Not to Game? Efficacy of Using Tablet Games in Vocabulary Intervention for Children with DLD