CHIWaWA: Create & Health Innovation Ways of Working Analysis
In co-design, 'quick and dirty' prototyping is often used, whereas a working prototype provides more insights into the experience at the point of use." - Design
researcher in one of the create health research projects.
Knowledge building blocks that are available online and offline, published in a book, in articles, and on a website.
The knowledge building blocks include:
- Insight into opportunities to improve the impact of research on e-health innovation in create health projects
- Project narratives with best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration in which researchers, creative industry, and professionals in healthcare are involved
- Guidelines for developers of e-health solutions on how to collaborating with creative industry
- Guidelines for policymakers on how to stimulate collaboration between health and creative industry and the use of creative ways of working to increase the contribution of research to practice
Contributions to conferences and symposia
Collaborating in complexity. Strategies for interdisciplinary collaboration n design work, Design4Health conference 2020
Grounding Practices. How researchers ground their work in create-health collaborations for designing e-health solutions, Design4Health conference 2020
Seven ways to foster interdisciplinary collaboration in research involving healthcare and creative research disciplines, DementiaLab conference 2019
Posterpresentatie: Health x Design, DementiaLab conference 2019
01 September 2018 - 01 May 2022
HU researchers involved in the research
Collaboration with knowledge partners
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