The value sensitive design of a preventive health check app

Authors Litska Strikwerda, Marlies van Steenbergen, Anke van Gorp, Cathelijn Timmers, Jeroen van Grondelle
Published in Ethics and Information Technology
Publication date 2022
Research groups Digital Ethics
Type Article


In projects concerning big data, ethical questions need to be answered during the design process. In this paper the Value Sensitive Design method is applied in the context of data-driven health services aimed at disease prevention. It shows how Value Sensitive Design, with the use of a moral dialogue and an ethical matrix, can support the identifcation and operationalization of moral values that are at stake in the design of such services. It also shows that using this method can support meeting the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Ethics and Information Technology
Year and volume 24 38
Key words health services, privacy, data-driven services, moral values, value sensitive design
Digital Object Identifier 10.1007/s10676-022-09662-x
