Cindy Kuiper


Cindy Kuiper is a senior researcher in the research group Multilingualism & Education at HU University of Applied Sciences. Her research focuses among other things on genre pedagogy, (multi)language competencies in vocational education and Content and Language Integrated Learning.


Cindy studied International Business and Languages (bachelor's) at Saxion University of Applied Sciences and Communication and Information Sciences (master's) at Radboud University. After her studies, she worked as a teacher, researcher, policy advisor and manager in higher professional education. Cindy obtained her PhD at the Catholic University of Leuven (2018) on a design-based study into the use of genre pedagogy as a form of language-sensitive content education, in the first year of higher professional education.


  • Language-sensitive content teaching / genre pedagogy
  • (multi)Language competencies in vocational education
  • Design-based research


Cindy is interested in how the language development of students in (multilingual) vocational contexts (mbo/hbo) can be promoted from an integrated, functional approach. She is currently active as a project leader in the Erasmus+ project One Stop CLIL Europe, and involved in various projects on language policy, language-sensitive content education and language-sensitive assessment in vocational education.

"Language is the key to vocational education. Let's help students get this key."

Cindy Kuiper



Do you have a question or would you like to collaborate?

Cindy Kuiper

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Multilingualism and Education