Lia van Doorn | Professor | Research group Innovative Social Services

Lia van Doorn


Lia van Doorn has been Professor of Living and Wellbeing since 2007. Her Research group focuses on the provision of assistance and services to clients dealing with a complex combination of issues.

Before this, Van Doorn worked for a long time as senior researcher and project leader at MOVISIE. From 2003 to 2005, she was a senior researcher for the Faculty of Education in Social and Community Work (FSAO) at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. In the 1990s, she was a member of the scientific staff of Utrecht University’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Here, she obtained a doctorate in 2002 with her research into homeless people.

"Outreach care is particularly important for members of this client group, who often deal with a complex combination of problems in their lives"

Other positions and activities, including start date:

  • 2016: Member of the Supervisory Board of the ‘Elck wat Wils’ housing corporation in Utrecht
  • 2005: Member of the editorial board of TSS, Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken (‘TSS, Journal for Social Issues’)
  • 2009: Judge for Utrecht University’s ASW Meesterprijs (thesis award)
  • 2009: Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the professional association Beroepsvereniging van Professionals Sociaal Werk (BPSW, formerly NVMW)
  • 2015: Member of the advisory board of Agis Zorginnovatiefonds
  • 2011: Member of the CARPE consortium
  • 2009: Reviewer for ZonMw grant applications
  • 2011: Reviewer for Journal of Social Intervention
  • 2010: Reviewer for Jaarboek Armoede en Sociale Uitsluiting (‘Poverty and Social Exclusion Yearbook’) published by the OASES research centre, University of Antwerp

Fields of expertise

  • Problem families and young people at risk
  • Innovative Social Services
  • Moral judgement processes among social professionals



    • Research groups: Living and Wellbeing, Proactive care for older people living at home
    • 1 April 2023 - 1 April 2024
    Professional Doctorate in Health & Well-being
  • Meerdere handen op elkaar
    • Research groups: Debt and Debt Collection, Driving Educational Change, Innovation of Movement Care, Innovations in Preventive Care, Living and Wellbeing, Participation, Care and Support, Proactive care for older people living at home
    • 1 March 2022 - 1 March 2030
    PREVENT: integrated, community-based prevention
  • Two students in front of graffiti reading a book with two dogs
    • Research group: Living and Wellbeing
    • 17 August 2020 - 17 August 2024
    Chronic Sorrow

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Lia van Doorn | Professor | Research group Innovative Social Services

Lia van Doorn

  • Professor
  • Research group: Living and Wellbeing