PREVENT: integrated, community-based prevention

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In the coming years, Dutch society faces major social challenges that put pressure on people's health and well-being. PREVENT tackles health inequalities by strengthening integrated, community-based prevention and cooperation. In collaboration with the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and many other partners.


PREVENT aims to increase the quality of (co)living in the urban environment, by strengthening integrated community-based. prevention at the intersection of health and well-being. Together we work on good (research) infrastructure in neighborhoods to address challenges around prevention.


Health disparities mean that opportunities differ between persons. We want everyone to be able to participate and matter in the community. That is why this project focuses on: 

  • Strengthening interprofessional collaboration between healthcare and social work
  • Exchange knowledge in and between community-based Fieldlabs
  • Strengthening community-based prevention 


01 March 2022 - 01 March 2030


Together with a broad spectrum of stakeholders, we are building a strong (community-based) infrastructure. This infrastructure enables professionals in local Fieldlabs to practice and learn optimally interprofessionally and jointly with relevant stakeholders like researchers, policy makers, teachers, students and residents. PREVENT is divided into five workpackages: strengthening the consortium, quality of research, Fieldlabs, PREVENT Academy and communication and impact.

Collaboration with study programs

We cooperate with many study programs of the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (HU) and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HVA). From the HU, the following institutes are involved: Social Work, Law, Safety Studies, Nursing Studies, Paramedic Studies, Physiotherapy, Life Sciences & Chemistry. From the HvA, the faculties of Society and Law, Health and Exercise Sport and Nutrition are connected. 

Teachers are involved in the Fieldlabs and integrate new insights from research into education and disseminate them through guest lectures, minors and collaboration in projects. The connection between research and education is further strengthened in PREVENT and made structural for the theme of integrated community-based prevention with specific attention to interprofessional collaboration.

HU researchers involved in the research

  • Cindy Veenhof portret
    Cindy Veenhof
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care
  • Picture of Tamara Madern
    Tamara Madern
    • Professor
    • Research group: Debt and Debt Collection
  • Katarina Jerković-Ćosić | Professor | Research group Innovations in Preventive Care
    Katarina Jerković-Ćosić
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovations in Preventive Care
  • Jean-Pierre Wilken
    • Professor
    • Research group: Participation, Care and Support
  • Lia van Doorn | Professor | Research group Innovative Social Services
    Lia van Doorn
    • Professor
    • Research group: Living and Wellbeing
  • Nienke Bleijenberg PhD | Professor | Research group Chronic Diseases
    Nienke Bleijenberg
    • Professor
    • Research group: Proactive care for older people living at home
  • Saskia te Velde
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care
  • Marc Teunis | Associate Professor | Research Group Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry
    Marc Teunis
    • Associate professor
    • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
  • Meike van Scherpenseel
    Meike van Scherpenseel
    • PhD candidate
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care
  • Els Overkamp | Researcher | Participation, Care and Support
    Els Overkamp
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Participation, Care and Support
  • Ed de Jonge | Researcher | Innovative Social Services
    Ed de Jonge
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Living and Wellbeing
  • Janna Bruijning | researcher | research group Innovations in Preventive Care
    Janna Bruijning
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovations in Preventive Care
  • Portretfoto Di Janne Barten
    Di-Janne Barten
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care
  • Wieke van Boxtel | Researcher | Research group Innovations in Preventive Care
    Wieke van Boxtel
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovations in Preventive Care
  • Eline Maussen | Junior researcher | Debt and Debt Collection
    Eline Maussen
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Debt and Debt Collection
  • Selma Kok
    • PhD candidate
    • Research group: Proactive care for older people living at home
  • Rosanne Oomkens
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Debt and Debt Collection
  • Ellen Gerrits | Professor | Research group Speech and Language Therapy: Participation through communication
    Ellen Gerrits
    • Professor
    • Research group: Speech and Language Therapy: Participation through communication
  • Mariel Kanne
    Mariël Kanne
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Living and Wellbeing
  • Daan Andriessen | Professor | Methodology of Practice-Based Research
    Daan Andriessen
    • Professor
    • Research group: Research Competence
  • Ilya Zitter
    Ilya Zitter
    • Professor
    • Research group: Vocational Education
  • Josien Engel
    Josien Engel
    • Lecturer-researcher
    • Research group: Vocational Education
  • Jannemiek Sonneveld
    • PhD candidate
    • Research group: Innovations in Preventive Care
  • Seline Kok
    • Research group: Innovations in Preventive Care
  • Marlijn Dingshoff
    • Researcher
    • Research groups: Sustainable Communities, Participation, Care and Support

Collaboration with knowledge partners

In PREVENT, a broad network of research groups, knowledge institutions, industry associations, implementing organizations and governments work together.

Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Picture of Tamara Madern

Tamara Madern

  • Professor
  • Research group: Debt and Debt Collection