SMART: AI based self-management app in hip and knee osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip and knee is among the most common and rapidly increasing chronic diseases. People with osteoarthritis experience pain and stiffness when moving and are therefore hampered in daily activities. Various non-operative treatment options are available for this group, but in practice these options are not always used properly. That is why it is important that people with osteoarthritis get the right personal advice at the right time about self-care and professional care options.
In this project, we develop a smart (AI-supported) self-management app step by step, with input from end users, experts and literature.
Within this project, we aim to empower people and improve self-management, physical functioning and participation throughout their entire OA journey following current OA guidelines, including the stepped-care strategy.
Work packages
The project consists of different work packages. In total, four PhD students are involved. The HU University of Applied Sciences leads the project and is responsible for the work packages on osteoarthritis and implementation. Other scientific partners are Maastricht University (behaviour change), Open University (vulnerable groups), VU University (artificial intelligence), University Medical Center of Utrecht (osteoarthritis and healthcare) and Fontys (empowerment and technology).
- An AI model with predictive factors for complaints in hip and knee osteoarthritis, using continuously measured data
- To collect the needs, wishes and experiences of end users (citizens and care providers) with regard to coaching using smart technology
- Knowledge about strategies to create citizens' confidence in smart technology
- The use, usability and first indications of effectiveness of AI in the care of people with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
- The knowledge gained can contribute to the development of smart interventions for other populations
01 September 2022 - 31 August 2027
To reach this goal, we will integrate expertise from the medical field, behaviour change, technology, and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop an inclusive AI-supported SMART approach. This approach will be integrated within an existing mobile health (mHealth) app.
- Current interventions for osteoarthritis last for a defined number of weeks and are therefore not well suited to the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis.
- With this research, an intervention is being developed that can continuously support self-management, a need that exists within professional practice.
- Within the development, specific attention is paid to users with limited digital and health skills, in order to improve care for all people.
- The app is managed by people, who can decide for themselves who has access to his or her data. This means that all healthcare providers can benefit from this project.
"There aren’t that many good examples of AI-supported tools for the healthcare sector. By combining knowledge from different disciplines in the consortium, I expect that we will gain a lot of valuable insights."
Corelien Kloek, projectleader of SMART.
HU researchers involved in the research
Collaboration with knowledge partners
For this project we work together with a large list of Dutch institutions.
To see them all click here Click here